Miss Earth Poland has kicked off its activities through “Run of 4 Elements” event. In order to promote this activity, it invited all the finalists of Miss Earth pageant finalists to participate in it. 4Run is basically the most awaited sports’ surprise of the year for all. The extreme gear consists in overcoming barriers on a particular stretch of road. The participants had to overcome the obstacles in between to reach the final line.
The inaugural of ‘4 Run’ with Miss Earth Poland turned out to be a big success. The first of four runs, the ‘Earth Run’ took place in Jozefow startlingly. The weather out there was perfect and the participation through 380 runners made the Earth Run the best run of the activity. It was full of barriers, sweat and fun of course.
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The finalists of Miss Earth Poland got to understand the issues and dangers through the barriers. They also participated in cleaning the surroundings. The determination and the will to make the best out of the event was the sole aim of the finalists. The whole event was memorable and left a lasting impression on everyone.
Next event will be the ‘Run for Water’ which will take place by the Polish beautiful seaside, in Ustka on June 17. The activities promise to be an incredible adventure, great excitement and a huge dose of vivacity! This way the beauty pageant unites the beauties and makes them aware of the elements present and their importance.
This year is going to be the 17th edition of Miss Earth pageant, which is scheduled to be held in October 2017. Miss Earth is an annual Beauty Pageant which is aimed at promoting Environmental Awareness. Carousel Productions organized and launched the first Miss Earth beauty pageant in 2001 to actively promote the preservation of the environment. The reigning Miss Earth is Katherine Espin of Ecuador. At the conclusion of the Miss Earth 2017 pageant, Katherine will pass on her crown to her successor.