Blue eyes, beautiful face, striking face appeal are few traits to mention Iris Hertroijs. The modelesque attitude, and comfort to gaze at camera, makes her chances even brighter at Miss Intercontinental, this year. With tranquility embracing her persona, Iris, resembles a princess who has branched off a fairy tale. Her sharp eyes are an add on to her graceful and effervescent personality. She is certainly, one to watch for. A regal queen in the contemporary world!
In an interview with Angelopedia, the stunning Iris, shared her thoughts, experiences, and aspirations in the world of pageantry. Below is the transcript of her interview…
Q. How does it feel to be representing Netherlands at Miss Intercontinental 2015?
I feel honored and blessed. I love my country, so i am very proud to represent it.
Q. What was your motivation behind stepping into the glamorous world of beauty pageants?
I think beauty pageants are a great way to learn how to represent yourself to an audience. I have personally grown from a girl to a woman i am today. You learn so much from pageant. making friends from different cultures and performing well under pressure are just some examples for that. Of course I love the glitter and glamour, but that is not the main reason I did this. It is because of the amazing experience that you get through pageants.
Q. How confident and prepared are you on winning the title of Miss Intercontinental 2015?
I have prepared myself as mutch as I can. And I am very confident that I will perform well. But I am sure my oppenents are well prepared as well. I think it is very important to always keep working on yourself and to do your best.
Q. What is your biggest strength which you think can make you win the Miss Inntercontinental 2015 title?
My ability to inspire people. In my past I have had some hard times. And I always made through it. It was not easy, but I think that I can inspire people with my story and what I have learned from it. I think that being inspiring to people, but also at the same time being commited to them is very important when you are a Miss Intercontinental.
Q. If there were no rules in your life for a day, what all would you do?
I would do the same thing I love doing now. That is going to my favourite theme park (De Efteling) with my brother and boyfriend. Get some delicious food. Have a nice meal at my mother’s place and after that watching a movie at home together with my cats and boyfriend.
Q. What according to you defines femininity? Can a woman be both feminine and tomboyish?
Feminity to me is not if you dress feminine or if you wear make-up. To me it is that you are a woman and that you are proud to be one. How you dress or act has nothing to do with that.
Q. So many different forms of discrimination today. What do you think is the worst one?
I think there is no worst one. Discrimination is horrible, no matter what kind. It is a form of ignorance that should be taken seriously.
Q. If you had to describe your ideal man, what traits of his personality would be written in bold?
I think the most important trait is that a man should be sweet and caring to you. He should show you that he loves you. My boyfriend has those traits. But one thing I think is also very important in any good relationship is that you get the best out of each other. And i am lucky to be in a relation like that.
Q. If you wish to write an autobiography, what would be its last sentence?
That no matter what i have been through, I can alway rely on myself to get myself out of my problems. By not only dreaming about it, but actually believing in the possibility of them to come true.
Q. One thing that the world doesn’t know about you?
I am a huge sweet tooth. If I could, I would have candies all the time.
Q. What according to you is the true essence of beauty?
Feeling beautiful in your own skin. I don’t think beauty has anything to do with make-up or high heels. Those things are just to make you feel like you are the best version of yourself and that you can express who you are. In my oppionion the true essence of beauty is knowing how you are and loving that person.
Q. Any message for your fans on Angelopedia?
Thank you so much for supporting me. It means the world to me. And i will make sure that you can be proud of me.